How to advance your career without a degree
Here is one think people never do when they are trying to progress in their career, or move industries: ask a top performer out for coffee or lunch to find out what they did differently to be where they are today.
The person is probably sitting next to you at your current job, but you never thought of this as an option. Take advantage of the opportunity that is right in front of you. Say something like this: Hey Josh, I noticed that you have been performing very well for the past 3 years consistently quarter after quarter. You clearly know something that I don’t, can I take you out to lunch/coffee to pick your brain?
Most people will just continuing doing what they have always done hoping that things will change. ‘‘Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity’’ - Einstein
While you are out with that top performer, take notes on everything he/she says then apply it when you get back to work. Make sure you follow up once you have taken action. Once week, Once a month. Pick a pattern and stick to it. Say something like: you know last time you asked me to the following, well I did and this is the result. It turned out people want to help you more when they see you have taken action on their advise.
If you want to get into a different industry, find out the top performers in that industry on LinkedIn. Check if you have common connections, and ask your connection to do a warm introduction. Otherwise, reach out to them directly.
When I say top performer, it is anyone who is doing better than you. If you are in sales and trying to get into the fast food industry for example, reach out to the top sale person at McDonald, then reach out to the number 2, then the number 3…. If you don’t get any reply, move to the next company, that would be Burger King and do the same thing. Then move to the next company, that would Subway and do the exact same thing and work your way down in that industry.
Someone once said to me they tried that and it didn’t work. My first question was: how many people did you reach out to? And they said 3. Like everything in life, It is a numbers game! reach out to 1000 people if you have to, someone will eventually say yes.
You can check out the video here: